Great Falls

The Great Falls weather station measures wind speed, and wind direction at the Big Sky Ski Resort on the north side of Lone Mountain at 10,400 ft.

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Date/Time Temp Deg F Avg Wind Spd mph Max Wind Spd mph Wind Direction deg
02/11 04:00 -13.0 4 7 W - 269
02/11 03:00 -12.2 6 9 S - 196
02/11 02:00 -11.8 6 10 SW - 217
02/11 01:00 -11.1 4 7 S - 175
02/11 00:00 -10.9 5 7 S - 182
02/10 23:00 -10.2 5 8 SW - 216
02/10 22:00 -10.2 7 9 SW - 240
02/10 21:00 -9.8 8 10 SW - 220
02/10 20:00 -8.9 8 12 SW - 220
02/10 19:00 -9.0 9 12 SW - 225
02/10 18:00 -7.3 7 12 SW - 229
02/10 17:00 -3.7 8 12 SW - 212
02/10 16:00 -0.2 8 11 SW - 217
02/10 15:00 1.6 6 10 SW - 228
02/10 14:00 1.1 8 12 SW - 243
02/10 13:00 0.8 9 12 S - 191
02/10 12:00 -0.7 8 10 SW - 218
02/10 11:00 -2.3 6 9 SW - 217
02/10 10:00 -4.5 7 11 SW - 228
02/10 09:00 -6.2 8 11 SW - 244
02/10 08:00 -7.2 8 10 SW - 230
02/10 07:00 -7.3 9 13 W - 258
02/10 06:00 -7.0 10 14 W - 251
02/10 05:00 -7.2 10 17 SW - 246
02/10 04:00 -7.0 11 17 SW - 244
02/10 03:00 -7.2 11 16 SW - 246
02/10 02:00 -7.0 13 18 SW - 231
02/10 01:00 -6.3 10 15 W - 249
02/10 00:00 -5.6 9 17 SW - 246